T06.20 PDT - Nariño

Regional Development in Nariño in conditions of Peace

Contributing to regional development for peace, improving livelihoods, reinforcing the presence of the State, and consolidating public policies focused on restoring the social fabric in remote conflict areas, in the context of rural development with a regional approach.

Implementation period
From 19/May/2018 To 30/Sep/2023

General Description

The project develops a multi-sectoral action, creating economic opportunities with criteria for economic, environmental, and social sustainability, with cross-cutting actions in rights, ethnic, community resilience, and regional approaches. It takes into account both priorities expressed in the development plans of Pasto, Tumaco, Ipiales, and Nariño, as well as relevant points in the peace agendas created in the region and the demands from the population.

The project promotes development, strengthening actors and institutions in their management, planning, coordination, communication, and participation capacities, as well as in capacities related to economic development policies, water, and basic sanitation, local institutions and spaces for dialogue, and gender equality. The project fosters spaces for dialogue to encourage the participation of civil society, mainly agricultural producers, women, and victims of the armed conflict.

The interventions are led by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation.  This agency has extensive experience in the area in programs related to strengthening local governments, and their geographic focus is on Tumaco, Pasto, and Ipiales.

Contribution to the Peace Accourds

The project contributes to the first point of the Peace Agreement, which lays the foundations for rural transformation, seeking to create the conditions of well-being and dignified living for this population, and its intervention is aligned with the following public policies:

●     Economic development and entrepreneurial culture for employment.

●     Water supply and sanitation.

●     Local institutions and spaces for dialogue.

●     Women's rights and gender equality.

Objectives and Results

The first objective is to stimulate access to livelihoods by strengthening production chains, establishing commercial agreements, creating an entrepreneurial culture, and promoting the employment of youth, women, and victims of conflict. Furthermore, the project promotes  sub-national mechanisms’ capacities to improve the efficient and sustainable management of water and sanitation services.

The second objective is to strengthen the State presence. The project seeks to consolidate local governance by improving planning and investment capacity in the region, consolidating spaces for citizen dialogue, supporting Victims Municipal Work Groups, and spaces for ethnic authorities. The project works on implementing departmental and municipal gender equality public policies.  It works with women's organizations in political advocacy and in applying comprehensive protections guaranteed to women through the women victims of gender-based violence public policy.

Investment Amounts
€ 6.500.000
UE Support
€ 2.084.657
€ 8.584.657

Featured Indicators
Indicator Goal Last Update Advance Current Value Status
1. Number of business units that access technical / financial assistance. 52 June 2023 119 % 62 Complete
2. Number of business units that are strengthened 43 June 2023 116 % 50 Complete
3. Number of business units improving their infrastructure and equipment. 43 June 2023 193 % 83 Complete
04. Number of business units accessing markets 47 June 2023 106 % 50 Complete
05. Number of entities linked to the Regional Entrepreneurship Network (RREN) of Nariño, strengthened in quality and efficiency of their entrepreneur support services 26 June 2023 134 % 35 Complete
06. At least 15 rural educational institutions developing entrepreneurial skills training strategies. 15 June 2023 253 % 38 Complete
07. Number of young people trained in traditional trades and human development, linked to productive units (Craft Workshops), under the methodology of School Workshops. 25 June 2023 220 % 55 Complete
08. Number of advocacy actions that promote the fulfillment of public policies in favor of rural development. 1 June 2023 400 % 4 Complete
09. Number of people with new or rehabilitated access to water 320 June 2023 1696 % 5.428 Complete
10. Rural water systems built or rehabilitated under the project 4 June 2023 175 % 7 Complete
11. Number of regional entities increasing their planning capacity, quality service and management instruments, within the framework of the project 2 June 2023 100 % 2 Complete
12. Number of tools / processes improved in planning and investment in the region to improve the capacities of regional institutions 16 June 2023 100 % 16 Complete
13. Percentage of budget supported by a Community Infrastructure Project in a settlement (vereda) nucleus - PIC, under the PDET Tumaco 50 June 2023 140 % 70 Complete
14. Number of life plans developed for strengthening the capacities of ethnic authorities 9 June 2023 100 % 9 Complete
15. Number of people participating in regional management public spaces 300 June 2023 355 % 1.067 Complete
16. Number of departmental and municipal victims work groups with management capacity, attending the victims’ demands 4 June 2023 100 % 4 Complete
17. Number of institutions/ organizations that increase the number of actions in favor of the human rights of women in the department of Nariño 8 June 2023 112 % 9 Complete
18. Number of women accessing protection and care measures for women victims of gender-based violence implemented within the framework of the project 100 June 2023 507 % 507 Complete
19. Number of women victims of gender-based violence accessing economic empowerment services implemented under the project 25 June 2023 600 % 150 Complete

Advocate Partner Local Partners and Co-Applicants
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo - AECID
  • Departamento de Nariño
  • Municipio de Pasto
  • Municipio de Ipiales
  • Municipio de Tumaco
  • Gobernación de Nariño

Geographic Coverage

Project Resources

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Documents of interest