T06.8 Sustainable Caqueteño regions for Peace

Sustainable Caqueteño regions for Peace

Consolidating peace in Colombia through strengthening post-conflict socioeconomic and environmental development in the Amazon.

Implementation period
From 01/Jan/2018 To 30/Jun/2022

General Description

The Project consolidates regional peace in Caquetá through improving local capacities for production, processing, and commercialization of products such as cacao, non-wood forest products, sugar cane, and coffee, profitably and competitively, under environmental conservation and social inclusion schemes. The project also seeks to promote reconciliation by strengthening the social fabric and community work. The Portuguese Institute for Development Support and the IMVF contribute their extensive international experience in rural development and tropical agriculture, strengthening of civil society and institutions, as well as agro-industry and association. The Adelco Network contributes its extensive experiance in promoting local economic development.

The project focuses on 3 lines:

i) Legal and sustainable economies, market-oriented sustainable production, regional food sovereignty, and added value

ii) Regional governance for peace, strengthening institutional capacities for rural development,

iii) Public goods for social inclusion: road infrastructure, access to goods and services, and economic and social infrastructure.

Contribution to the Peace Accourds

The project contributes to point 1 of the Agreement by creating an Amazonian model based on food production, resilience to climate change, and the development of commercialization processes. These actions are implemented with the community’s participation, promoting and strengthening crops with the greatest potential, under highly technified and sustainable schemes, to ensure agrifood supply in the region. The project strengthens institutional capacities for rural development.

The project contributes to point 3.2 of the Agreement by supporting social and economic reincorporation of ex-combatants under a regional development approach in the ETCR Agua Bonita (La Montañita), through economic initiatives and the strengthening of regional governance.

Objectives and Results

●     The first objective is the implementation of an Andean-Amazonian model. This food-producing and resilient to climate change model aims at creating income for families, offering alternatives to coca growing, and protecting the ecosystem.

●     The second objective is the commercialization of cacao and other leading products at the local, national, and international level, through agro-industrial processing and added value.

●     As a third objective, the project strengthens local institutional capacities for rural development and regional peace in La Montañita and El Paujil, improving governance and competencies with a focus on gender and community resilience.

●     The fourth objective focuses on creating local organizations led by women and community action organizations.

●     The fifth objective is providing rehabilitated and / or adapted rural public goods under community schemes.

Investment Amounts
€ 3.775.965
UE Support
€ 787.150
€ 4.563.115

Featured Indicators
Indicator Goal Last Update Advance Current Value Status
01.Number of families implementing agroforestry systems capable of adapting to climate change. 150 June 2022 113 % 170 Complete
02.Percentage of income increase associated with the improvement of crop management and quality of post-harvest technology 15 June 2022 246 % 37 Complete
03.Number of people trained in added value processes and commercialization in the framework of the action 50 June 2022 160 % 80 Complete
04.Number of hectares in conservation agreements linked to agroforestry arrangements. 200 June 2022 550 % 1.100 Complete
05.Number of social and productive infrastructures that are built or rehabilitated in the framework of the action 4 June 2022 350 % 14 Complete
06.Number of kilometers of roads implemented, rehabilitated, or adapted. 15 June 2022 140 % 21 Complete
07.Number of exports and / or national commercialization of products supported by the project 4 June 2022 150 % 6 Complete
08. Number of producers certified or in the certification process 50 June 2022 104 % 52 Complete
09.Number of associated families trained in preservation and propagation of native seeds, for environmental services, food security, and commercialization 40 June 2022 137 % 55 Complete
10.Number of organizations strengthening through adjusted ICO instrument baseline (organizational, accounting and management issues) 15 June 2022 206 % 31 Complete
11.Number of organizations making effective use of the European financing instrument for financial assistance to third parties. 30 June 2022 100 % 30 Complete
12.Number of victims and / or reincorporated people with capabilities to be incorporated effectively in local economic initiatives. 200 June 2022 100 % 200 Complete
13.Number of women effectively associated in citizen participation and development processes, promoted by local institutions in prioritized regions. 300 June 2022 108 % 326 Complete
14.Number of endowments to community radio stations 1 December 2020 100 % 1 Complete
15.Number of partner entities coordinated for comprehensive rural development processes promoted in the action. 5 June 2022 220 % 11 Complete
16. Number of families trained in ecosystem management for the use of non-timber forest products 50 June 2022 100 % 50 Complete
17. Nº de unidades productivas que son implementadas y/o fortalecidas con el objetivo de mejorar la inclusión sociolaboral y la generación de ingresos entre la población en proceso de reincorporación 10 June 2022 110 % 11 Complete
18. Number of proposals for Financial Aid to Third Parties promoting gender equality and women inclusion 10 June 2022 100 % 10 Complete
19. Kilograms of products, processed with the project’s support, which have been commercialized 6.000 June 2022 325 % 19.520 Complete
20. Number of people associated and actively participating in Self-managed Savings and Credit Groups supported by the project. 300 March 2021 112 % 338 Complete

Advocate Partner Local Partners and Co-Applicants
Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (IMVF)

Red Nacional de Agencias de Desarrollo Local de Colombia, REDADELCO

Geographic Coverage

Project Resources

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