Comprenhesive rural development for the promotion of sustainable peace |
The project of the Group of Swedish Civil Society Organizations in Colombia seeks to improve the living conditions of rural communities and reincorporated population in rural areas affected by the conflict following the signing of the Peace Agreement. |
Implementation period
From 06/Sep/2019 To 05/Mar/2024 |
General Description
In the processes of joint work and support to local and reincorporated population organizations, these organizations highlighted as a central problem that they still don’t have sufficient material resources and don’t have the necessary capacities to be able to associate, develop economic initiatives, and ensure their permanence in the regions. To meet this need, ForumCiv, Diakonia, Act Church of Sweden, FLM, SweFOR, and We Effect, supported by the Swedish Embassy, designed the project recognizing that peace-building and the creation of permanence and rooting conditions of the communities in their regions depend not only on material resources, but also on recognition processes, reconciliation, participation, and socio-economic inclusion. The project combines actions in the fields of sustainable agro-ecological production, and the reconstruction of the social fabric through various strategies that involve the recognition of rural communities as relevant actors in the formulation of public policies, programs and projects that enable comprehensive rural development, especially those plans included in the implementation of the Peace Agreement such as PATRs. |
Contribution to the Peace Accourds
Objectives and Results
The project's objective is for rural communities and reincorporated population in areas affected by the armed conflict to improve their living conditions following the signing of the Peace Agreement. The action focuses on two interrelated strategic lines: 1. Design and implementation of economic initiatives for local rural development with an emphasis on agroecological production for food sovereignty, promotion of agro-food value chains, and the creation of partnerships between civil society and the private sector in order to generate sustainable livelihoods under a regional approach. 2. Reconstruction of the social fabric and relationships of mutual trust through support for community resilience and reconciliation initiatives, the promotion of self-protection strategies, and the promotion of care economy initiatives to create a sense of belonging and roots in rural areas to ensure a stable peace. |
€ 4.800.000 UE Support |
€ 1.200.000 Counterpart |
€ 6.000.000 Total |
Featured Indicators |
Indicator | Goal | Last Update | Advance | Current Value | Status |
01. Number of people trained in protection and self-protection measures | 150 | March 2024 | 871 % | 1.307 | Complete |
02. Porcentaje of productive systems, as well as productive or organisational strengthening AFT successfully implemented in the 7 departments. | 70 | March 2024 | 142 % | 100 | Complete |
03. Percentage of productive initiatives that receive agribusiness assistance and financing | 34 | March 2024 | 126 % | 43 | Complete |
04. Number of people participating in care experiences. | 30 | March 2024 | 766 % | 230 | Complete |
05. Number of organisations with strengthening plans formulated at the administrative, organisational and/or political level. | 34 | March 2024 | 88 % | 30 | Complete |
06. Number of women trained in territorial protection, conservation and defence issues. | 280 | December 2023 | 142 % | 400 | Complete |
07. Number of agreements between organisations and actors in the business sector, in a local, national and international context. | 5 | March 2024 | 180 % | 9 | Complete |
08. Number of organisations that have received support or advice for their administrative, financial and accounting strengthening. | 34 | March 2024 | 152 % | 52 | Complete |
09. Number of families that, thanks to training or methodological transfer processes, implement agroecological techniques in their productive activities. | 1.000 | March 2024 | 159 % | 1.593 | Complete |
Advocate | Partner | Local Partners and Co-Applicants |
Suecia |
Act Iglesia Sueca Diakonia Federación Luterana Mundial SweFOR We Effect |
Geographic Coverage Project Resources Download project information in PDF |