T06.7 Technical Assitance to the European Trust Fund of the European Union in Colombia - (EUTF)

Technical Assistance to the European Trust Fund of the European Union in Colombia

Provides technical assistance to the Delegation of the European Union in three fundamental areas: 1) Technical Management; 2) Follow-up, Monitoring and Evaluation; and 3) Visibility and communication.

Implementation period
From 08/Nov/2017 To 07/May/2024

General Description

DT Global (formerly AECOM International) provides technical assistance to the European Union Delegation in Colombia (EUD) incorporating knowledge, technical support, and good practices through monitoring and evaluation strategies, communication and visibility, and technical support (project formulation, documents drafting, conducting studies, specialized consulting, knowledge sharing, etc.) to the EUD and to projects financed through the Fund.  This support was requested by the Delegation as it is in charge of managing the Fund and the projects financed through it.

Contribution to the Peace Accourds

Experts bring together technical knowledge, methodologies, and good practices for the sustainable and inclusive development actions promoted by the regions. This facilitates processes of technification, income generation, strengthening value chains, organizational strengthening, and market access. The support also incorporates other community development actions and strengthening social capital.

The process of economic and social reincorporation of former combatants is supported in a transversal manner, mainly in three aspects: strengthening of the cooperative models; specialized support for the planning and implementation of their economic initiatives; and promotion and implemention community and regional spaces for dialog and reconciliation.

The technical assistance also promotes the visibility of EU initiatives within the framework of the  European Fund.

Objectives and Results

General Objective. Promote the application of the provisions in the Peace Agreement between the Government of Colombia and the FARC, and help the Colombian people to overcome the negative consequences of the armed conflict.


The specific objective is to provide technical assistance so that the Fund becomes an effective platform to support the implementation of the Peace Accords, ensuring their effectiveness and increasing their efficiency, by supporting their committees, management institutions, and the implementers of the financed projects.

Result 1: Effectively supported the DEU’s management in the technical execution of the Fund’s initiatives and projects financed by the Fund.

Result 2: Facilitated the DEU’s strategic and technical decision-making through an efficient and updated follow-up and monitoring system.

Result 3: Established the Fund’s communication and visibility strategy and the projects financed by it, in accordance with EU procedures.

Investment Amounts
€ 5.772.400
UE Support
€ 0
€ 5.772.400

Featured Indicators
Indicator Goal Last Update Advance Current Value Status
01. Number of projects of the European Fund for Peace supported through Technical Assistance 31 December 2022 100 % 31 In execution
02. Number of expert-days provided to support the European Fund for Peace 6.380 December 2022 84 % 5.392 In execution
03. Number of external monitoring reports produced to oversee and strengthen projects 23 June 2020 34 % 8 In execution
04. European Fund for Peace quantitative and qualitative monitoring reports prepared for the visibility and dissemination of progress and learning 21 December 2022 71 % 15 In execution
05. Number of visibility and strategic communication manuals prepared by the Technical Assistance 29 December 2022 106 % 31 In execution
06. Number of reports, articles, and stories for the media about the European Fund for Peace and / or its projects 8 December 2022 587 % 47 In execution

Advocate Partner Local Partners and Co-Applicants
Unión Europea
Unión Europea
DT Global Europe

AGRER Etudes & Conseils

Geographic Coverage

Project Resources

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Documents of interest