T06.22 Community Radios

Community Radios for peace and coexistence

Strengthening public dialogue capacities on peace and coexistence in community radio stations in Caquetá, Guaviare, Nariño, and Putumayo.

Implementation period
From 22/May/2018 To 21/Nov/2019

General Description

The project focuses on supporting the implementation of the Peace Agreement and overcoming the effects of the armed conflict. This is achieved by strengthening public dialogue between community radio stations and their audiences for peacebuilding and coexistence in Caquetá, Guaviare, Nariño, and Putumayo .

In this Phase II of “Community Radios for Peace and Coexistence”, the project continues the actions implemented at the national level in the first phase of the project, between 2016 and 2017, through training and production processes, in which the broadcasters increase their capacities to create, produce, and disseminate content associated with peacebuilding and coexistence. These actions improve their self-care and protection techniques against the risks of reporting through self-protection and do-no-harm tools. The actions strengthen its institutional management capacity and levels of sustainability through information and communication as fundamental educational elements for peace, built with the regions, their leaders, actors, and the media.

Contribution to the Peace Accourds

The project contributes to point 1 of the Agreement promoting initiatives for training, production, and dissemination of radio content on peace and coexistence, in the Areas Most Affected by the Armed Conflict - ZOMAC, in harmony with the Development Programs with  Regional Focus PDET, contributing to the communication of participatory planning and economic and social progress.

The project contributes to point 3.2 of the Agreement by giving continuity to the coordination of government institutions to implement educative actions for peace in the regions, through training community journalists in peace and coexistence content production. The project strengthens freedom of expression for the media in the regions so that they can effectively report the progress of the implementation of the Agreements and participate as observers in the reincorporation processes and creation of well-being.

Objectives and Results

The project has three specific results.

●     First result. Eighty radio content producers from forty community radio stations are trained to broadcast and circulate peace content in their regions. The foregoing, through the implementation of the Radio Content Production and Dissemination strategy, which contains educational messages based on stories and journalistic pieces in the region, contributing to a change of mentality and perspective on the end of the conflict and the  ex-combatants’ reincorporation.

●     Second result. Community radio networks have strengthened their management and networking capacity, to produce national communication programs, be sustainable companies, and renew concession licenses.

●     Third result. Radio content producers increase their knowledge and implement the self-protection method for production and dissemination of information in the post-conflict stage; benefiting journalists and the communities providing testimonies.

Investment Amounts
€ 250 000
UE Support
€ 0
€ 250.000

Featured Indicators
Indicator Goal Last Update Advance Current Value Status
01.Number of journalistic notes published on the implementation of the Peace Agreement 60 November 2019 120 % 72 Complete
02.Percentage of participating community journalists, men and women, with a method for self-protection, monitoring, and early alerts for producing information on peace and implementation 100 November 2019 100 % 100 Complete
03. Percentage of community journalists developing journalistic analyzes of the experiences in the regions where the projects exist, which is objective is to overcome the effects of the armed conflict 80 November 2019 100 % 80 Complete
04.Percentage of networks increasing their institutional and networking management capacity, measured by the instrument designed by Resander 66 November 2019 100 % 66 Complete

Advocate Partner Local Partners and Co-Applicants
Unión Europea
Unión Europea
Red Cooperativa de Medios de Comunicación Comunitarios de Santander – Resander

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