T06.4 Mascapaz

Sustainable Macarena with more capacity for Peace - Mascapaz

Contributing to the peace and well-being in Macarena, in the framework of compliance with the peace agreements.

Implementation period
From 08/Jun/2017 To 07/Nov/2024

General Description

The project promotes sustainable and comprehensive rural development that contributes to dignified living, institutional and organizational strengthening, and lasting peacebuilding in the region.

This project is part of the Development Programs with a Regional Focus. Actions within this project are aimed at local economic development, fundamentally rural, with the comprehensive participation of civil society, and the local and departmental public sector, and are based on the needs of the region's actors. It uses the “Leader Approach” with local development based on a region and a close and investments decentralized management.

Among the specific actions to strengthen local economies are: protecting the forest and its water resources; improving in public goods; creating educational models for young people; and promoting environmental sustainability and governance for peace with a gender, generational, intercultural, sustainability, and do-no-harm approach.

Contribution to the Peace Accourds

The project contributes to point 1 of the Agreement as it implements development programs with a territorial approach, contributes to the development of the family peasant economy and protects the multiethnic and multicultural wealth in order to close the agricultural frontier and save environmentally sensitive areas. These actions generate well-being, good living and respect and guarantee of human rights.

The project contributes to point 3.2 as the governance component develops a program of culture of peace with the ex-combatant population of the ETCR of Mesetas, which recovers trust and restores the social fabric through the continuity of transversal organizational processes such as the school of environmental leadership. Peasant roots and identity are strengthened, contributing to the overcoming of poverty and the peaceful solution of conflicts. Likewise, it encourages community participation and commitment through multilevel dialogue.

Objectives and Results

The project has four specific results.

●     The first result strengthens inclusive, legal, and competitive local economies through technical assistance on sustainable farms, production of green fertilizers, and environmental recycling culture.  In doing so, this result supports transformation and commercialization.

●     The second result implements environmental management, land legalization, and protection of water resources.  This strengthens environmental goods and services, and encourages community adaptation to climate change.

●     The third result provides improved and expanded public goods for regional social integration.  It does this by supporting education, strengthening and safeguarding rural intangible heritage, and improving school infrastructure and tertiary road infrastructure.

●     The fourth result strengthens social cohesion and improves the social and community fabric, promoting regional rural identity and heritage.

Investment Amounts
€ 3.820.000
UE Support
€ 800.000
€ 4.620.000

Featured Indicators
Indicator Goal Last Update Advance Current Value Status
01.Number of families occupying AMEM’s buffer zones, which advance the processes of property legalization according to the titling path designed by the institutions in charge of this process 400 June 2024 100 % 400 Complete
02. Number of families receiving Technical Assistance and implementing a model of sustainable comprehensive agricultural production in rural farms in a differentiated way 3.200 June 2024 100 % 3.200 Complete
03.Number of families that have implemented a agrosilvopastoral production in rural farms and producers dairy in dual-purpose sustainable livestock 200 June 2024 100 % 200 Complete
04.Number of model farms that have implemented a sustainable fish farming model 20 June 2024 100 % 20 Complete
05.Number of tourism services providers that, at the end of the project, are positioned in ecotourism as an economic alternative in the four municipalities 20 June 2024 100 % 20 Complete
06.Number of hectares resulting from conservation and restoration agreements with farmers in the four municipalities, in order to improve native plant coverage and plant material production in this AMEM area 1.000 June 2024 114 % 1.142 Complete
07.Number of micro-basins in the project area that, at the end of the project, are restored and / or recovered according to the prioritization, regulations and zoning DMI AMEM, ZRC Sustainable Development Plan, and PIMA Macarena Norte 4 June 2024 100 % 4 Complete
08.Number of rural families receiving Technical Assistance, and implementing the production of green fertilizers in a differentiated manner as part of an environmental recycling culture based on the model effect in 140 farms 2.300 June 2024 100 % 2.300 Complete
09.Number of cold chain milk collection centers in San Juan de Arama that benefits at least 250 producers 1 June 2024 100 % 1 Complete
10.Number of urban and rural schools that have infrastructure improvement with local materials and innovation 32 June 2024 100 % 32 Complete
11.Number of people, from the settlements in the process of humanitarian demining, directly benefited from the construction of a bridge in Santa Helena, as an iconic work of regional integration 2.400 June 2024 100 % 2.400 Complete
12.Number of farmer and indigenous families linked in commercial agreements within the "Region Brand" strategy 400 June 2024 100 % 400 Complete
13.Number of organizational processes strengthening environmental leadership and rural identity 30 June 2024 100 % 30 Complete
14.Number of farmer community associations indigenous people linked to supply chains from the dairy, specialty coffee and fruit and vegetable sector 18 June 2024 100 % 18 Complete
15.Number of schools with initiatives to complement their curriculum with contents that promote rooting and land legalization by the farmer and indigenous population of the project area 10 June 2024 100 % 10 Complete
16.Number of children and youth in the AMEM area linked to the regional recognition program through guided excursions 1.600 June 2024 100 % 1.600 Complete
17.Number of initiatives of young environmentalists implemented, in green production, alternative energy, and tree planting 24 June 2024 100 % 24 Complete
18.Number of initiatives of an environmental, cultural, and educational nature that favor identity and roots in the region 30 June 2024 100 % 30 Complete
19. Número de personas en proceso de reincorporación que mejoran sus capacidades para la inserción económico-productiva, incluyendo el fortalecimiento de la economía solidaria 13 June 2024 100 % 13 Complete
20. Número de cooperativas o asociaciones de base, integradas por personas en proceso de reincorporación, que implementan unidades de negocio 6 June 2024 100 % 6 Complete
21. Número de personas en proceso de reincorporación que trabajan en proyectos productivos 171 June 2024 100 % 171 Complete
22. Number of productive initiatives led by women strengthened or started up 17 June 2024 100 % 17 Complete

Advocate Partner Local Partners and Co-Applicants
Unión Europea
Unión Europea
Instituto SINCHI

1.       Departamento del Meta – Agencia de Infraestructura del Meta

2.       Corporación Desarrollo para la paz del piedemonte oriental “CORDEPAZ”

3.       Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Área de Manejo Especial de la Macarena “CORMACARENA”

4.       Corporación por la defensa ambiental y el desarrollo sostenible de la AMEM. “CORPOAMEM

5.       Agencia de Infraestructura del Meta (AIM)

Geographic Coverage

Project Resources

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